The Message of Quran

The Message of the Qur’an, the much sought after interpretation of the Qur’an by Muhammad Asad, serves as a matchless aid to understanding the holy book of Islam and provides in itself a complete education in the faith.

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The Book of Character

This anthology of writings on virtue and character from Islamic and other traditions has received universal praise internationally. This book will give a profound insight into the qualities of mercy, tenderness, generosity, and nobility that are at the heart of Islamic tradition at its best–virtues which are essentially universal. From the Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ali to Florence Nightingale and Mother Teresa.

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The Fragrance of Faith

The sweetest introduction to Islam you will ever read. Jamal Rahman shows that Islam is good therapy, as he reflects on the wisdom teachings at the heart of Islamic life, especially those exemplified by his grandfather who was a Murshid (wiseman) in a village in Bangladesh. Including many quotes from Rumi.

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The Book of Language

This book clarifies more than 200 key Islamic spiritual, philosophic, and metaphysical terms, elucidating these within a comprehensive understanding of the human soul and its place in an eternal reality. Included is an important essay on Islamic epitemology by Prince Ghazi Bin Muhammad: Truth and Knowledge.

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The Book of Nature

An anthology of spiritual perspectives on nature and th environment. Camille’s anthology will forever change how you see the natural world and our place in it. Themes from the Qur’an introduce each chapter, while the content is taken from the writing of great nature lovers from many cultures and traditions.

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The Book of Hadith

Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad from the Mishkat al-Masabih, with an Introduction by Jeremy Henzell-Thomas. This collection highlights not only many of the most loved and important sayings of the Prophet (peace upon him), but many that reveal an unexpected, personal side of the man himself.

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The Book of Essential Islam

The central tenets of Islam are examined with lucidity and depth in this introductory guide, reference manual, and undistorted observation of the religion. Islam is presented as a spiritual training system that harmonizes believers with the divine order, thus bringing all believers into contact with one another and the world around them. The inner significance of practices such as ablution, ritual prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage is discussed as are selections from the Qur'an in the original Arabic and details on Hadith.

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The Book of Revelations

A Sourcebook of Themes from the Holy Qur'an. It offers 265 selections of verses, presented in a fresh contemporary translation of high literary quality, with accompanying interpretations by leading Muslim intellectuals, including Muhammad Asad, Yusuf Ali, and others. Formerly titled The Vision of the Qur'an.

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" It was unbelievable. I had no idea what the Qur’an was and after reading just a few pages, I’m just fascinated by it. I like the commonalities that cut straight across our faiths."


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